Yahooshua IS the mightiest CREATED being in the entire creation
James Robertson
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In the light of various recent articles relating to the identity and personage of Yahooshua {Jesus} you may be asking what I DO believe about him...
This article seeks to present the main attributes of Yahooshua as he is today as I understand it.
1. The basics – conceived of a virgin, lived a sinless live, executed, resurrected, seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven
So, in simple terms, I believe that he was born of Miriam {Mary} who was a virgin when she conceived, that Yahooshua was conceived as a creative miracle less dramatic than the creation of Adam, that he was born in Bethlehem about two thousand years ago, that he lived a life without sin, that he was falsely accused, beaten, tortured and executed by the leaders of his day, nailed to a stake {cross} and died.
I also believe that because he had lived a life without sin, he was resurrected and lives at the right hand of Father Yah {the Almighty}. That he died to provide a new covenant whereby our sins could be forgiven and to usher in a new priesthood so that we had access to the Throne of Yah, the Throne of Grace where Yahooshua is our advocate.
This was necessary because the priesthood introduced through Moshe {Moses} had become so corrupt that they were no longer doing what was required of them and also in order that a single believer anywhere in the world had direct access to the Almighty through faith in Yahooshua without having to rely on any other human being.
See previous articles that relate to this.
I could add much more.
BUT that is not my goal in this article.
2. Ruler {king} of all created rulers and master {lord} of all created masters
It is vital to get the picture of Yahooshua as rule of all created rulers and master of all created masters.
Yahooshua is the most senior human being in the entire creation therefore the entire Universe.
And since human beings are the most senior of all creation Yahooshua is the most senior created being in the entire creation and therefore the entire Universe.
Together with that rank in the Creation go a huge number of powers and privileges.
These powers were GIVEN by Yah as a reward for the EXTREME OBEDIENCE of Yahooshua in giving up his position in Heaven, coming to earth, living a sinless life, loving enough to be obedient to Yah even in going so far as to subject himself to a terrible death when at any moment he had the legal right to cry off and opt out.
So, these powers are NOT because of anything that makes Yahooshua God, they are because Yah GAVE them to Yahooshua and because Yah's Spirit dwells in Yahooshua more powerfully and comprehensively than in any other being.
So, we see that Yahooshua IS "elohim" – a mighty one, elohim is the Hebrew word typically translated "god" or "God" but means only "mighty one" or when applied to Yah in certain contexts "Almighty".
It is VITAL to understand that Yahooshua IS a mighty one or god but NOT Yah.
It is also vital to understand that no matter how dramatic your experience of Yahooshua and of his powers, this does NOT make him Yah.
Please note that while the most senior place in creation has been given to Yahooshua, all the remaining places in the hierarchy of creation are OPEN.
YOU can aspire to sit on the second highest throne in heaven on the left hand or right hand of Yahooshua – it is up to you to determine if you will seek Yah for this, lay down your life, get filled with the Spirit of Yah to a massive extent and be obedient to death if necessary in order to do what He is calling you to do.
Maybe you have disqualified yourself from these thrones or a calling that high is not available to you or perhaps you cannot see yourself being obedient at that level but there are still lesser thrones available – refer the eBook "Where will you spend eternity" or get hold of the book "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner which reports a series of visions that are profoundly important in this context.
The ONLY factor is your willingness to serve Yah faithfully for the rest of your life and be obedient – the field is wide open, NO ONE today is living their lives the way they should, NOT ONE – what are you willing to do in order to get to a place of deep favour and gratitude from Yah in this dark age?
3. Massively glorious resurrected physical body can manifest in different forms
We read in Acts in the account where Yahooshua appeared to Saul {Paul} that Yahooshua appeared with a brilliant light.
I have heard first-hand accounts of others who have been visited by Yahooshua or taken up into heaven that his appearance is awesome and spectacular. This does NOT make him Yah, it simply confirms that he has great powers as a consequence of his obedience.
Remember that messengers {angels} can manifest with glorious bodies as well. Even the messengers of Satan and Satan himself can manifest with a glorious body. Do not be deceived, a glorious body does NOT mean a being is Yah.
A resurrected physical body only slightly less glorious than that of Yahooshua is available to YOU if you really serve Yah faithfully to full potential for the rest of your life.
And even if you do not reach your full potential a glorious body of some degree is entirely within your grasp.
Note also that Yahooshua can ALSO manifest with an absolutely ordinary human body, as he did to the two on the road to Emmaus and also when he appeared and made breakfast on the beach and in other situations. So too can messengers manifest with human-like bodies.
4. Can hear and see every one of us concurrently and represent us before Yah as priest and advocate
Yahooshua has the ability to hear and see every one of us and to manifest to different people around the world concurrently.
As I understand it, any person who qualifies to spend eternity in heaven has the ability to hear what we are saying on earth and see what we are doing from heaven and is able to do this for more than one conversation or event concurrently.
Not necessarily anywhere near the level that Yahooshua can do this but again, as I understand it, this is a function of the seniority of that person in Heaven.
5. Shows us the way by example, great love and obedience that led him to die for us
No other human being has demonstrated the level of love and obedience that Yahooshua demonstrated when, with the full legal right to get off the stake at any moment, he chose to remain there and die that terrible death.
If you desire a high throne you need to ask yourself IF you are willing to be obedient even unto unjust torture and death AND if you are willing to seek to live a life without sin.
The challenge is HUGE, but so then is the opportunity!
6. Massive spiritual powers
Yahooshua has massive spiritual powers but I do not have a revelation of the details of these, I simply know they exist.
7. BUT still a created human being
But the critical point never to forget is:
Yahooshua is a human being just like you or i.
YOU can aspire to almost comparable glory and power IF you are willing to follow Yahooshua's example.
IF you make the HUGE blasphemous mistake of believing that Yahooshua is YAH you lose sight of the reward that is available to you and set your sights in serving Yah FAR TOO LOW.
The bottom line?
Yahooshua is spectacularly powerful and glorious.
You can be almost as powerful and glorious if you choose to follow his example fully or, failing that, you can still be significantly powerful and glorious following resurrection IF you are willing to pay the price.
How serious are YOU about serving Yah and overcoming to the end?
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